If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I am all about managing your own career.
Leaving your career to chance, or even to your company/manager, is risky at best.
Seth Godin went one further to suggest that as the boss of your own career, you might suck.
But certainly, a great question.
How are you doing managing your career? Are you a good or a bad steward of your talents and your progress?
Are you stretching yourself, taking risks, and growing to give even better results for your company and your boss?
Or… are you taking the easy way out and waiting for someone to notice your “good work.”
So, I wanted to ask. How is it going?
Are you getting the results you expect?Are you a good boss or a bad boss of yourself? Here is a hint, the evidence of being a good boss is what you are able to accomplish and impact.
If you don’t find those things happening, I suggest you might want to get a plan.