I love my Tivo.
I think it’s the best invention of it’s decade and a close second to the remote control, as being the most useful invention of my lifetime.
I love it not so much for it’s technology, but for it’s simplicity. The idea was so simple, all the technical pieces we readily available, and yet it changed the way we watch television forever.
Tivo changed my relationship with television, and in doing that, it changed my expectations of television. If it’s true that television has more to do with our generational divide than date of birth, we should expect that we haven’t seen the real result of the impact of Tivo yet. That’s pretty cool for such a small company.
When I think about what I want for our own industry, I really want the same thing. I want to change the way we think about systems and business.
I want to change how we look at people in business.
I want to bring the human back to human resources while also making business work better.
I want to realize the statement Laurie said about me. I want to make work better.
The landscape of business is becoming more complex every day. Social norms, expectations and markets are all changing. Rapidly.
Global isn’t an idea, it’s a business imperative for big companies. Companies are having to make bigger decisions with less insight since management by walking around is a lot harder when you have to walk across an ocean.
We need a new relationship between systems and business and I for one, think that it’s about time. It all starts with lofty goals in my world.