Given that this week included women’s equality day, I decided it was time to write a blog I’ve been thinking about for some time.
It is my firm belief that for women to begin to #ChangeTheRatio we have to get past the petty discussions of whether multi-tasking is a feminine capability and what a leader looks like.
We must cease with the competitive male-bashing approach and make inclusion part of our overall solution. We need men and women working together to solve the very real gender equality issue.
This problem is not going to be resolved by just encouraging women to develop new skills and it certainly is not going to be resolved by women continuing to complain about those skills that men are missing (and rewarded for anyway).
We must do more and demand more.
Every one of us.
We all need to stand up and speak out and we need to do our part and hold each other accountable. I plan to be an active part of the solution to this problem.
Here are some great examples of what is happening to move this topic forward
Gender ratio focus at tech conferences (even if it’s hard)
Recognition list accountability (across every lens possible)
Sharing ideas and data at conferences and online
Powerful men commiting to be part of the solution
Encouraging girls and women to be part of the Tech Industry
New innovation bringing tech to young girls play
Men holding each other accountible for critical issues like violence against women
Candid talk about what it takes to fix bias and how we all need to recognize our privlege and speak up in support of all minorities
Taking seriously the complexity of 21st century parenting and childcare
Exposing and taking steps to address the lack of women serving on public boards
For myself, my plan is to support all women working to achieve their full potential, and celebrate men supporting them. As a mother of two smart and capable daughters, I have no choice. They are watching me and expecting me to make their opportunities greater than my own (as those who came before have done for me).
Our world needs more women in leadership.
Our future demands it.
Feminism is not the absence of men, it is the inclusion of women, we can and must use all of our available talents to lead by example.
What about you? What is your plan?