Large global teams, and email culture makes email volume a serious issue for many of us.
I am often asked how I manage my email. A few years back, I responded to this query with an internal blog post that I’ve reworked to hopefully help a few of you with your 2013 goals.
It’s important to note that struggling with email is very common. I wouldn’t even suggest that you are not alone, instead I would say you are the new normal if you find email management overwhelming/fatiguing/stressful/painful/etc.
First, lets talk about why to bother
Sure, you can fall behind and wallow, but I wouldn’t recommend that. Fantastic email ability is a level cutter in some organizations. Being able to “keep up” is a critical job skill. Being known as someone who is in control of email, is often important to helping others feel confident in your abilities.
My recommendation is to lean in and think of this as a skill building opportunity, that will help your career.
Next, lets talk about how to seize control
Now that you are convinced that you want to master email and not let it defeat you — what are some tips?
Here are my tips, but I am hopeful that others will comment on this thread and give some of their own.
I do not personally love the idea of rules and filters — I know people who find them helpful and if you are inclined, I encourage you to look into tools of automation to help you prioritize.
For me what works is the zero inbox concept — that is to say, that if I have read and/or taken action on an email (or if I don’t need to) then I remove it from my inbox. This is critical to my strategy. I do this with the following approach:
Have at least one folder for filing — probably best practice is only one, as it’s easier to search that way. If you want to keep it, put it in this folder but get it out of your inbox.
Only touch an email once — if you can take action, delete, respond or file — immediately do so. The goal is to get it out of the inbox
If there is an action item associated, try to use your calendar and tasks to schedule the follow up and/or action item due date. This way you can track progress and the deliverable without forgetting but still get the email out of your inbox.
If at all possible scan and delete — do not spend too much time on any one email — especially if it is not tied to a priority.
If you are new, and things don’t make sense immediately — get a folder to file away stuff you don’t understand — don’t let it drag down your inbox, as most likely it’s not the most important thing anyway.
If you are not sure — ask — do not be someone who doesn’t respond b/c you don’t know what is being asked of you — save everyone time and acknowledge the email asking for more info.
Do not let the volume encourage procrastination — that just doubles down on the backlog — act or decide not to act. Don’t get stuck in-between — you are not only building a skill in reading/scanning email, you are building decisiveness, which is important and powerful.
Whatever you do — if someone is talking to you — reply! Do not be someone who does not reply — it is bad for your brand for people to wonder if you are able to keep up with your email.
OK– that’s really all I have — the rest is just about doing.
How about you? What tips can you share with your friends on this topic? How do you survive email and still get work done?