Have you identified your team? Not the team you work with, the team who is going to help you achieve your goals? I actually have several “Team Meg’s” who I consider extremely critical to my success.
I hand pick those on the team based on what kind of help and support I need. Do I need someone to help motivate me? Teach me something? Keep me focused? Hold me accountable?
My team makes that happen. For example, I might realize that I don’t have the best grasp on (or respect for) grammar, and yet I love to blog. No problem, myteam has my back.
You see, like most things in life, accomplishing your goal is easier with help. Sharing your goals with others will focus your energy and keep you accountable, whether this is a performance goal, a fitness goal or a career goal, leveraging your friends and your network increases your chance of success.
Learning to share your goals first requires you to see the bigger picture and realize that you can have a much bigger impact and make much more progress when you learn to collaborate. You might suggest I’m cheating, taking things that are hard and getting a lot of help to make them easy and I would say, exactly.
No one said that you couldn’t get help, so why wouldn’t you give yourself that edge?
One of the biggest tricks to getting the right “team you” is to have a good sense of what you are good at and what you are not. You might be surprised to find out that there are people you know who are good at what you lack.
So I ask you, have you assembled the right team? Are you sharing your goals with them so that they can help you?