Angry, Bitter, Frustrated, Upset, Losing.
These are not qualities anyone wants in their life. No one wants to hire, promote or interact with people who have these attributes.
We all want happy, positive, winning people in our life. It’s contagious and bringing more success near us is a good idea professionally.
When people come to me looking for coaching and they are angry about some specific outcome in their current career (terrible manager, skipped over for a promotion, under valued, over worked, pick your favorite one — they all apply) I have to tell them I can’t help.
I wont be able to help you achieve your best career outcome, when you are in such a state, as you are not your best self.
To bring about the best career outcomes you need to be your best self. To be your best self you need to project success and optimism. If you want to see a big change and things are at their worst, you must first get over it or you will not be able to invite good things in.
Therefore your first action item is to bring joy and energy back into your life. Take a vacation, get a massage, exercise, volunteer, call your family, give someone a hug, watch Megan Keeley’s video — do whatever it takes, but get your smile back.