I’ve gushed before about how lucky I am and what a great team we have. As someone who puts a lot of herself into her work, a great team is a big part of my own personal engagement.
In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about great teams I have worked with in the past. Specifically those people who I would rehire if ever an opportunity were to arise.
In most cases my interest in rehiring someone is not as much about the current job opening, it is usually more about them being the right people to have on the bus. So, what makes someone right for my particular bus?
Been thinking about that too and here is what I’ve decided
People who solve problems — you give them a problem and they find a way to solve it. Sure they ask for help, clarification, etc. but they will wrestle the problem to the ground. You are never exactly sure why they are able to solve the problems they do, but there are some people who get stuck easily and there are others who find a way through. It’s those who consistently get out the other side that I want back on my bus.
People who Lack ego— ok, this is not really true. It’s not the lack of ego, it’s the ability to have an ego that does not require others to be lessened. Inclusive egos. People who see their accomplishments and achievements as better for the sharing, get those people on my bus.
Smart – yes, I admit it. I have a strong bias toward people who are smarter than me. Those who I have worked with in the past who have helped me learn, I want them around, preferably close to hand because I tend to have a lot of questions.
People who follow through – I am very much a “fire and forget” kind of girl. People who are comfortable completing action items without reminders are absolutely people I want in my life. I am a very competent nag, but boy is life better when you don’t have to exercise that skill. If getting work from you is a lot of work for me, odds are I’m lukewarm about having you back on the bus.
Fun/Funny – I just can’t be serious for too long. People who appreciate my own “special” sense of humor, who can tolerate my love of profanity. People who do not take themselves too seriously. Get them on my bus, you never know when you might need a party-bus.
Anyway, this is the list for my bus. What about you? What traits have the best people you worked with had? What about them makes you wake up at night saying “I could totally solve that problem at work if only I had XXX back on my team“?