Had you asked me five years ago to describe myself, I would have told you I am a follow the rules girl. In recent years I’ve been working to tone that down a bit, especially when it doesn’t serve me.
As luck would have it I have two excellent role models in this area, my husband and Amy.
So, yesterday when I arrived to the TEDx Bay Area Women event to find they had lost my registration, I decided to not let that dissuade me.
I stayed.
And it was fantastic (as I knew it would be).
An amazing group of speakers covered a wide range of topics and passions including citizen science, preserving history, entrepreneurship, food, health, innovation, motivation, reinvention, art and community.
For those of us who are passionate about learning and sharing you really cannot do any better than TED.
If you are interested to see some of the conversation, you should check out the tweet stream at the TEDxBAW hastag.
Special thanks to Tatyana Kanzaveli for making this event happen and to SAP Labs for the hospitality.