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I started blogging in 2007 with a group blog and I began this blog in 2011. If I'm honest, blogging platforms have not really evolved much in [gasp] almost 20 years, and what I need from them hasn't either. A place to organize and share my thoughts to people who are interested and a place to document common conversations for the benefit of many vs. few.
What I didn't expect with blogging was the number of people I would meet. I believe it's not sufficient to only write yourself but to read the work of others and this happens to be something I enjoy. In discovering my voice and developing my writing habit, I have expanded the number and types of blogs I read and I've found amazing people who inspire me. Many have become IRL friends, most professional acquaintances and a few I'm an all out stalker. In reading so many bloggers I am acutely aware that most bloggers are great writers. I am comfortable knowing that I'm not a great writer, I'm someone who has something to say. In a world of AI I suspect the latter will become even more differentiated over time.
“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time – none, zero.” - Charlie Munger
As I start down the third quarter of my life I'm leaning into the future and I'm establishing the systems and processes that can sustain me for the next decade (or more). One of those things is a complete website refresh and to do that I wanted to better integrate my blog.
Like you, I will be learning a lot of new things in 2025 and beyond and I want to make it easier to share those learnings.
Thanks to everyone who has bothered to read any of these blogs, I am grateful. I'm sure it's obvious that I don't write for mass readership, I write for you. Anyone who is looking for ideas, inspiration, encouragement or guidance that might benefit from my learnings. I also write for myself, as therapy, as catharsis as a means of organizing and distilling my thoughts.
What I've learned in this journey, is that consistency over time is an amazing thing. What I did not imagine when I started was how fascinating and fun it is to have a so much evidence of my own growth over the decades. It reinforces my belief that excellence is a habit not a destination, and that growth comes in small steps but compounds with time.
For anyone who has been part of this growth journey with me I appreciate you. I hope you will join me in my new location, but I am fine if you don't. Know that you have made me better and I am grateful.
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