I’ve been reflecting on origin stories — both the ones that we tell and the ones that we don’t [yet]. I realize that I reflect a bit too much on the absurdities and hardships of my origin story, and not enough on the blessings.
As I learn the origin stories of others, and reflect on my blessings, I recognize the truly unique gift of my story. I always had people who believed in me — even when (especially when) I wasn’t sure I could believe in myself.
From my earliest memories, I never doubted my own potential because the strong women in my life made it clear to me that I was unique, capable and worthy. At the time I had no idea just how special this gift was, and how few people experience this kind of unwavering support, but to say it is THE core of what I bring to the world is not an understatement.
I have important gifts, and I believe that it is my responsibility to leverage them to improve the lives of others.
Being a champion for others is the fuel that maximizes potential in both the near and the long term. I was taught this from the strong women who raised me.
So please remember to thank your squad — those people who remind you of what you are capable of and be the person who helps others believe in their own potential. The future we are building will be brighter the more that we support each other.
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