Was listening yesterday, to the excellent radio show by Bill Kutik when he essentially asked “are people just talking about XYZ or are they really doing it“.
Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that about HR initiatives I’d be on my way to a college fund for my girls (and if I had a quarter for every time I have said “if I had a nickel” I’d be five times richer but I digress).
I’d like to say here and now, that this is just not true. In fact a lot of companiesare doing and not just talking. Here are some of the things that leading companies are doing.
They are implementing Performance Management solutions, aligning goals and tracking progress.
They are developing high impact learning cultures and seeing real results
They are embracing social media for individual, corporate and customerbenefit
They are conducting talent reviews and practicing succession planning
They are paying for performance, aligning goals and rewards to successful outcomes
They are building long term relationships with candidates, leveraging technology to find new and innovative ways to bring talented people into their workforce.
If your company is not doing but just talking, I recommend you start talking about things you are doing or better yet, start doing the things that you are talking about.